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        Baidu confirmed that spiders will crawl plain text link URL

        Date:03-27  Hits:1041  Belong to:Industry Trends

        Baidu officially recognized as a plain text link URL Baidu crawl, network of Baidu reptiles be plain text on the link to crawl from Baidu owners club Lee Reply!

        1 text link url address, Baidu will find he is a url address and crawl up this address to the url address.

        2, whether the link should be passed weights only criteria: whether the user or other sites in this link really recommend your site to this recommendation, whether Users valuable.

        Note: plain text link that is to remove the hyperlink URL majority Contributions will be removed hyperlink, which is undoubtedly good news, but can not confirm whether passing weight.

        工作時間: 周一至周五

        Contact:Miss Cheng




        Address:Room 906, 8th Building Spring Garden, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China

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