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        NET Framework 2.0 simplified chinese version

        Hits:1197  Belong to:Download

        .NET Framework runtime application needs Microsoft.NET Framework version 2 redistributable package will be installed to run on.NET Framework 2 version of the development and the related documents..NET Framework version 2 improves the cache, thereby improving the scalability of applications and performance; the use of ClickOnce improved the application deployment and update; 2 through ASP.NET controls and services provided for browsers and devices more powerful support. For more information about.NET Framework 2, please click here. Important: do not install two different language version of.NET Framework on the same computer. To install.NET Framework second language versions, will lead to the following error occurred: "setup was unable to install the Microsoft.NET Framework, because the other version of the product is already installed." If you want to use a non - English platform or to view the.NET Framework resource in another language, you must download the appropriate language version of the.NET Framework language pack. Release date: 2008/3/24, languages: Simplified Chinese

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        Contact:Miss Cheng




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