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        The company in 2014 American international electronic product orders will be EDS

        Date:04-22  Hits:1333  Belong to:Company News
        By American electronic components, assemblies and materials, electronic products and electronic products distributors, agents association association “ 2014 American international electronic product orders will be EDS” in May 8, 2014 in Las Vegas American successfully. This exhibition only professional visitors from North America, the main audience of electronic products manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, agents, purchasers. EDS exhibition is the electronic products enterprises to open up the market USA links across North America, distributors, agents, promotion of enterprise, expand the influence of the best platform. Yu Shun Electronics Industry Ministry of industry in the general manager under the leadership of Jiang Erqi scheduled to participate in the 2014 EDS, will be the first to focus on the North American market, in this exhibition, we have a total of more than 20 approached professional agents, and 5 of them live to establish business cooperation, I believe 2014EDS is the quality of industrial products division to the starting point the North American market, the market is expected to become America Shun Industrial Division, the next major growth area.
        工作時(shí)間: 周一至周五

        Contact:Miss Cheng




        Address:Room 906, 8th Building Spring Garden, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China

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