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      • 歡迎訪問某某科技有限公司

        Warmest congratulations on enterprise website management system 3 release

        Date:03-27  Hits:1095  Belong to:Company News

        Warmest congratulations on enterprise website management system 3 release

        The new added feature phone website, domain name, website optimization.
        The friends of the enterprise website management system using PHP+MySQL development, it has the advantages of simple operation, powerful function, good stability, easy expansion, high safety, convenient maintenance, can help you quickly, easy to build up a strong professional business website. System support for mobile phone website, language, custom model, SEO optimization, static page generation, comment, ordering, membership, advertising, recruitment, statistics, self-help form and other basic functions of common enterprise website, through can plug-in mechanism flexibility to expand more applications. By virtue of the company team accumulated rich experience in Web development and innovation in the pursuit of the perfect design concept, the product is supported by many enterprises, and has been used in more and more large and medium-sized commercial website.

        工作時間: 周一至周五

        Contact:Miss Cheng




        Address:Room 906, 8th Building Spring Garden, XueYuan Road HaiDian District Beijing China

        your company Copyright ICP 123456789  Technical Support:鶴壁栗博
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